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About Caliber

Caliber is a stakeholder intelligence company.

It provides businesses with actionable intelligence on brand and reputation that helps them understand their audience, communicate more effectively, and build trust.

Caliber created the world’s only real-time, customizable stakeholder tracking platform, which shows companies what relevant stakeholders think and how they’re likely to behave – anytime, anywhere.

Caliber’s Real-Time Tracker is the world’s most powerful online tool for continuously monitoring stakeholder perceptions. It surveys thousands of people every day and displays real-time metrics on a visually appealing, user-friendly dashboard.

Got a press query? Need data or a quote for a story? We can help.

James Clasper

James Clasper

Content and Communications Manager [email protected]

Shahar Silbershatz

Shahar Silbershatz

CEO & Co-founder
[email protected]

Soren Holm

Soren Holm

Head of Client Services
[email protected]

Email us

Who We Are

Caliber was founded in 2016 by former Reputation Institute directors Shahar Silbershatz and Vladimir Verchinine. It is headquartered in Copenhagen and has operations in Brazil, Europe, and the US.

Our Mission

To be the go-to stakeholder intelligence solution for forward-thinking businesses everywhere.

Our Vision

To make business better through greater trust.

Our press kit

Click here to download our logos, spokesperson headshots and biographies, and much more.


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