Switzerland SMI20

Trust & Like Score Ranking (2024)

There’s ample proof that stakeholder behavior is linked to the degree to which people trust and like a company. The Trust & Like Score is, therefore, the chief element we use to measure the strength of a company’s brand and reputation.

The rankings presented here are derived from Caliber’s real-time tracking study, which assesses the public perceptions of companies listed on the Switzerland SMI20 Index daily. The study incorporates 12,625 responses, representing a diverse sample of the Swiss population.

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Switzerland SMI20

Trust & Like Score Ranking (2024)

Discover which brands in the Switzerland SMI20 Index were the most Trusted & Liked by their stakeholders in 2024.

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About the SMI20 Trust & Like Score Ranking

There’s ample proof that stakeholder behavior is linked to the degree to which people trust and like a company. The Trust & Like Score is, therefore, the chief element we use to measure the strength of a company’s brand and reputation.

The rankings presented here are derived from Caliber’s real-time tracking study, which assesses the public perceptions of companies listed on the Switzerland SMI20 Index daily. The study incorporates 12,625 responses, representing a diverse sample of the Swiss population.

0 M+

Interviews conducted so far, with thousands added every day

0 +

Companies monitored worldwide, including largest players across all sectors

0 +

Countries in which we track perceptions of different companies and industries