Power List: The World’s Top Energy Companies By Reputation

Discover which energy companies are most Trusted & Liked by their stakeholders and have the strongest reputations in Europe and the US.
Energy Slump

Uncover the stable yet complex reputation of the energy sector since 2021, highlighting generational views and industry challenges.
Fuels rush in

Should energy companies assume more responsibility for their impact on society – and show people what they’re doing to meet their expectations? Read our take on this.
Apathy in the UK

Find out what’s happened to the reputation of the UK’s energy sector since 2021.
A tale of two reputations

Our latest energy sector reputation report provides a snapshot of an entire industry – but it also includes rankings of the industry’s best-known companies.
US Energy Reputation Report 2023

The report is a global snapshot of how US companies in the energy sector are perceived in 2023.
Most Trusted & Liked energy companies – 2023 ranking

The ranking reveals which energy companies are the most Trusted & Liked, according to Caliber’s 2023 stakeholder perception study.
Global Energy Reputation Report 2023

Find out how world’s largest energy companies are perceived by their stakeholders in 2023.

E.ON is an international investor-owned energy company headquartered in Essen, Germany, which focuses on energy networks and customer solutions.

Vattenfall is a leading European energy company headquartered in Sweden, that for more than 100 years has electrified industries and supplied energy to people’s homes.